Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tour de Belize 2015

Almost immediately following the village health fair, I was on a bus with some other PCVs on my way to San Antonio, where I would see my family for the first time in a year.  Along with them was my aunt from Ireland, who I haven’t seen since we traveled through France two years ago.  I got there about an hour before them, giving me time to plot my surprise entrance as well as ask a member of the resort staff if there was anyone that could do some laundry for me.  I hadn’t done laundry for about two weeks, so the only “clean” clothes I had were the ones I was wearing.  All of the clothes I had in my bag were in need of a good wash.

When my family finally arrived, it was, again, this bizarre feeling that two worlds were colliding.  I was seeing them in a setting where I had never imagined them before.  Not only that, but I was also their source of guidance throughout the vacation, something that had rarely happened before.  Usually, I’m the one that relies on them for information, such as how to get from point A to point B or where it was exactly that we were going.  This time, the roles were reversed. 

Their arrival also brought about this weird feeling that I hadn’t really been gone that long.  Yes, a year is a long time, but since I’ve been in Belize, I talk to my parents more than I used to when I was in college.  I know what’s going on in their lives, more or less, and even get to see their faces occasionally through Skype.  I was expecting to see them and be surprised about their changes in appearance and even spend the first few days getting caught up on their lives, but outside of my brother’s new look and catching up some with my aunt, that wasn’t really the case.  This, ultimately, was a blessing in disguise.  Instead of focusing on all the things I’d missed over the past year, we got to spend our time in the present.

The first day of the adventure, we went out to Rio Blanco National Park, just a short ride down the road from the resort.  After five minutes or so of hiking we came across the Rio Blanco falls, probably one of the larger waterfalls in the district.  Just to the left of the falls, there’s a cliff that’s probably some 20 feet over the surface of the water where you can jump in if you’re feeling up to it.  It was awesome!

There was also this sign, which we all got a good laugh from. 

The next day was a day that I’d been looking forward to for months: the day that I could take my family to my site.  I had set up a charter to pick us up from the neighboring village, where I heard the bus would stop, and take us into my site; however, as things sometimes go in the village, the charter had forgotten, so we were forced to do the three and a half mile walk through the hills.  Luckily we arrived around 8:00 AM so it wasn’t too hot yet and, really, outside of increasing our heart rates some on the up-hills, it wasn’t too bad.

Once we arrived, we went by the school, simply for the fact that it would be a comfortable spot to relax after our hike.  Naturally, I was a little surprised when the principal told me that the school would be having an assembly to welcome in my family.  This gave the teachers and students some time to speak about some of the work that I’d been doing at the school so that my family would have a better idea of what exactly I’ve been doing here.  It also allowed my family the opportunity to meet the people that I’d told them so much about over the phone.  It was a great welcome to the village!

After that, we went to my house in the village and met my host family.  It wasn’t long before everyone was talking, laughing, and eating hot caldo.  There was a bit of a learning curve for my family, but by the time we finished they were using the tortillas as spoons, just like the Maya.  Once we finished our lunch, we went on the grand tour of the village.  We stopped by houses where I spend a lot of time, and my mom was even asked to take some pictures for people that she could send back once in the States.  Then, in an effort to avoid getting soaked by a threatening rain cloud, we made our way back to the school where we spent the rest of our time in the village.  Overall, it was an awesome trip! 

The Standard V/VI class even wrote notes to me thanking me for a good year and helping with their health class.  I think some of the kids think I’m leaving for good, so those were fun to read.  I wonder how the kids will react when they see me back in the village. Anyway, gonna miss those kids for the next week and half.

The next few days consisted of zip lining and just kind of relaxing at the resort and touring the grounds with the owner.  Then, come Sunday, we were off to Hopkins.  I had never been there before, so I was really looking forward to seeing something totally new.  The cool thing about Hopkins is that, even though it can be touristy, it is still a Garifuna village first where people go out every day to fish for their dinners and where cassava is king.  My family was also very excited because this was the first place that we stay on the trip that had AC.

On our first full day in Hopkins, we decided to take a boat out with a guide and go snorkeling.  The reefs were amazing and we saw all sorts of colorful fish.  In the afternoon, we went out to a reef that was a little deeper.  This gave use the opportunity to see larger fish and more of them.  We saw two or three schools of fish and even a huge sting ray.  It was probably 3-4 feet in diameter with its tail protruding another 3-4 feet from the back of its body.  You could also sit facing out from the reef and look out into empty ocean, something that left me with a bit of an eerie feeling, especially when I imagined a shark swimming up. 

The following day, my mom, aunt, and I took a guide out to Cokcscomb Reserve.  The first part of the hike was mostly used to search for animals, with the obvious goal being to find a sleeping jaguar.  Unfortunately, no jaguar was to be found… We did, however, see a coati, a small raccoon like animal, as well as tapir tracks and even one small jaguar print.  After this we decided to do a more difficult hike up to an observational point that was incredible.  One the way down, we even stopped to swim some in a little stream with a small waterfall. 

After a final, relaxing day at Hopkins used to take in some sun/allow our sunburns to heal, we made our way up toward Belmopan.  We stayed at another forest lodge that, again, had no AC.  This little detail caused some tension among the family, but I’m very happy to say that they toughed it out and didn’t let it put a damper on the trip.  Soon after arriving at the resort, we made our way into the Belmopan and made a quick stop by the Peace Corps office so that my family could meet the PC Staff.  It was a great visit and allowed my family to see all the work that goes into making sure that I am well trained, safe, and doing my job. 

The next morning, we made a trip out to Xunantunich.  Even though I’d been there before, it was still awesome to see.  It’s crazy to me to hear about how the Maya lived so many years ago.  I can’t even imagine how their lives would have been or how they were able to do the things that they did, such as build a temple that still remains the tallest building in the country.

To finish up the vacation, we stopped by to see my host family in Armenia.  It was great to see them and how they interacted with my family.  We made the mistake of giving a Chic-Fil-A cow to one of the boys while the other one was asleep.  When the sleeping one woke up, he refused to participate in picture taking until his brother gave him the cow.  Thankfully, they worked out an agreement and everyone was a part of the photo shoot. 

The final night was spent in a nice, AIR CONDITIONED hotel that we all loved.  It was, ironically, the first hotel that I stayed at when I came into Belize.  I remember thinking a year ago how it was just like any other hotel, but after spending a year in the jungle, I realized that what I originally thought was just a hotel was in fact paradise, equipped with AC and over 100 channels.  It was a great way to spend the last night with my family and top off an unforgettable vacation!  

Thanks for everything guys!

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